Sunday, October 24, 2010

My dog is a better person than I am

My dog thinks I’m awesome.

There are some days when that thought alone keeps me from drinking bleach.  You know those days....the car breaks down, your kids think you’re the dumbest human alive, a creditor calls and gets nasty about an ex’s bill, and your boss takes credit for your work.  Then you walk in the front door to the most sincere, happy greeting ever.  Sure, the dog loves me because I keep him alive and pick up his poo, but I’ll take it.

I don’t have the stereotypical chick dog; He’s big, muscular, and a bit scary.  He’s also the biggest love-fest-smooshie-dog ever.  Sure, he’ll eat your face off if you step foot in our house without being invited in, but that’s part of his job as he sees it.  He is here to keep his family safe.  And to eat the bacon-flavored paper towels out of the trash bin.  It’s his destiny.

There are days when I am a total jerk.  I yell at him for doing dog things.  I don’t let him bark at the neighbors who are TOO CLOSE TO THE FENCE!  DANGER!!  I don’t let him lick my face until he’s exhausted.  I take away the giant sticks he drags into the house.  Yet, he comes right back for more.  He has forgiven me for being a butthead immediately, every single time.  He doesn’t even pee in my closet to get back at me.

What must that be like?  Can you imagine someone yelling at you for no reason that you can understand, and responding by loving them completely? It has occurred to me that this drooling, farting animal is more emotionally mature than any human I know.  He knows how to be happy when he’s not being treated fairly.  He forgives when he’s misunderstood.  He loves with his whole heart all of the time, with no expectations or strings attached.  And he is darn happy to do it.

Sure, some people might take advantage of those who forgive easily and love freely, but imagine how happy a life without resentment could be.  When I grow up, I want to be just like my dog.  Without the mustard gas farts, of course.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Time to document the crazy

"Bah, you should really write this stuff down.  Nobody would believe it wasn't fiction."

That's what a friend of mine said to me earlier in the week after a day filled with what can only be categorized as odd coincidences and mishaps.  Then I thought, Wait a minute!  I can blog it!

I used to blog a lot, but for some reason I lost the desire about four years ago.  I think I missed it. 

Welcome to The World of Bah.  Suckers.